Consider the following syllogism:
(1) To ignore (or refuse to consider) alternative solutions to health-care reform* is intellectual laziness.
(2) Other than expanding the government’s role in health-care, (public option, Medicare for all), the US Congress and Administration ignore alternative solutions to health-care reform.
(3) The US Congress and the Administration are intellectually lazy when they fail to consider alternatives to their government expanding health-care reform proposals.
* or any other problem for that matter
What are the purported purposes of the government run public option (GoRPO)?
The administration and Congress are correct when they point out that, to reduce individual costs for health-care and to insure the uninsured, we must have competition among health insurance companies. You’ll get no argument there from me or just about anyone else on this. Many members of congress, with clandestine support from the administration, declare that the only way to achieve these goals is through the GoRPO. That is, the GoRPO with lower insurance premiums because there is no profit motive, will serve as the prime nationwide competitor to all private health insurance providers. What government run program is known for efficiency and cost containment? Having worked for the federal government for 27 years, I can attest to the inherent inefficiencies and wasteful monetary practices. Sure, it would be simple to add another entitlement program further bloating the federal budget with attendant cost escalation (more government run health-care will never be budget neutral; is Medicare?). To expand federal government involvement in our health-care system while ignoring not only failures of state run systems but also the efficacy of alternatives is nothing less than intellectual laziness. Moreover, the intended and unintended consequences have severe repercussions for the future US health-care and the very fabric of US society.
In addition to desiring to insure the uninsured and reduce costs of health-care, a key intended (though rarely discussed) consequence of the GoRPO is the progression to a single-payer (government managed) health-care system for Americans (this has been stated publicly as desirous by some members of Congress). How can this happen? At the present time, the federal government manages or provides insurance for 33% of the US population. It would only be a matter of time, through GoRPO mission creep, that the government will be responsible for over 50% of US citizens. With this majority stake, the federal government will have the power to dictate rates and services for most Americans, effectively controlling all aspects of US health-care.
The unintended consequences of a GoRPO are numerous and include, but not limited to: cost overruns (as example – the government program Medicare will be bankrupt by 2017; the Massachusetts program is $9billion in debt), rationing (the only way to reduce escalating costs), higher taxes (income tax rates in western European countries range from 40% to 60% for the middle class), fewer new drug and device developments (from a decline in medical research and development – the government will be unwilling to pay for costly new products; e.g. the U.K. refuses to offer certain effective anti-cancer drugs because of cost), reduced citizen productivity (from loss of work while awaiting procedures), slowed or arrested progress in medical advances (e.g. fewer clinical trials testing new drugs or devices), dissolution of the private insurance industry, demise of private medical practices (all health-care providers will essentially be de facto government employees), government will be forced to pay for all medical education as is done in western Europe because individuals will no longer be able to repay loans for their medical education (the President seemed astonished this past summer when a Georgetown University medical student informed him that her debt after graduation will be $300,000), reduced quality of individuals seeking to enter medicine (in the UK for example, many physicians refuse to works nights and weekends), more claim denials (Medicare already denies a higher percentage of claims than any private insurer) and destruction of the medical profession as we know it.
Are there non-governmental alternatives to the GoRPO? Sure there are. We can insure those without access to insurance (6 to 14 million people by most reasonable estimates) by creating a privately managed member-owned pool consisting of the 6 to 14 million combined with employees of small businesses. Furthermore, such a large pool will have substantial clout in negotiating rates with insurance companies, thereby lowering costs. Another way to reduce cost is to allow companies and individuals to select insurance across state lines as is done for auto insurance. This approach will provide the needed competition and reduce health insurance costs. Proof that this is effective already exists. The 9 million participants of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program have over 250 options from which to select and have enjoyed a lower rate of rise in insurance premiums when compared to the industry as a whole. Lastly, tort reform is an essential ingredient to reduce costs in any health-care reform proposal and must be applied across the country; billions of dollars will be saved annually.
Government intrusion into the American way of life must be the absolute last resort for resolving the issue of health-care reform, not the first solution we consider. An April 1959 memo from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare to congress is germane today:
In our society the existence of a problem does not necessarily indicate that action by the Federal Government is desirable. The basic question is: Should the Federal Government at this time undertake a new program to help pay the costs of medical care…, or should it wait and see [first if other options are effective]?
How many Nobel Prize recipients in Physiology or Medicine have been from the US? Since 1950, 58%. With a single payer system, future advances may never see the light of day in clinical practice. What nation other than the US can boast being responsible for bringing significant new technologies and drugs from the bench (laboratory) to the bedside (clinic or hospital)? That other nation doesn’t exist. The US has the distinct and singular honor for the primary development of new medical technologies not only for the US but for the entire human population.
The administration and congress have a mandate to establish health-care reform. But we want it done right, the first time. You know, sometimes neither the easy nor the get-it-done quick ways are the right paths. Don’t mess this up. Don’t be lazy.
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